Kindergarten №17 Krasnograd city

Kindergarten №17 Krasnograd city
Project measures: | |
Settlement | Krasnograd city |
The main typology | Preschool and basic education |
Address of the object | 40 Moskovs`ka street, Krasnograd city, Kharkiv oblast |
Main works and activities | Replacement of windows and the entrance door group for energy saving, insulation of facades, repair of opaque |
Implementation period | 25.04.2016 - 20.07.2018 |
Percentage of completion of work | 100% |
Area m2 | 3 131,00 |
Contractor type | FOP Tsomah Igor Mykolajovych |
Number of Beneficiaries | 803 |
Works stages

Additional commentary
The problem of creating quality conditions for the upbringing of children is the most important for the community. Community activity in identifying a priority problem at a rather high level. The DNZ building was built in 1977 without taking into account modern building energy efficiency standards. Therefore, the premises do not observe the proper temperature regime. The incidence of children is increasing, parents are forced to take hospital. Realization of the project will allow to save on energy carriers, maintain the proper temperature regime, reduce the level of morbidity of both children and educators.