Publication of the results of the conducted tenders
- Лот 1: «Корпусні меблі та інші (Державний навчальний заклад «Вище професійне училище №34, м. Стрий», м. Стрий, Львівська обл.)», договір № RFQ-G-0090134-4-EU.
- Лот 2: «Корпусні меблі та інші (Чернівецьке вище професійне училище радіоелектроніки, м.Чернівці, Чернівецька обл.)», договір № RFQ-G-0090135-4-EU.
14.03.2025 - повідомлення про результати закупівлі № RFQ-G-20 «Спільна закупівля меблів для професійно-технічних навчальних закладів»:
01.11.2024р. – Сontract No. DA-C-0090109-4-EU "Services for the preparation of design and estimate documentation, obtaining an expert report and the implementation of field supervision of the object "Overhaul of the building of the building of the State Vocational Educational Institution "Vinnytsia Higher Vocational School of Services", at the address: Vinnytsia, Khmelnitsky highway, 145",
Number according to the procurement plan: CQS-C-1.4/2
Number according to the procurement plan: CQS-C-1.4/2
01.10.2024р. – Сontract No. DA-C-0090109-4-EU "Services for the production of project and estimate documentation (PCD) and implementation of the author's supervision of the object "Overhaul of the building of the educational building of the Higher Vocational School No. 7 in the city of Kremenchuk, Poltava Region", located at the address: Poltava Region, Kremenchuk, str. Vadim Pugachova, 14",
Number according to the procurement plan: DA-C-1.3/2/ KfW Procurement nr. 511813
Number according to the procurement plan: DA-C-1.3/2/ KfW Procurement nr. 511813
- Contract: G-14/1 (manufacture and supply of furniture) Procurement Plan Number: G-14 (multi).Procedure: Direct Award (DA)
- Contract: G-14/2 (purchase of textile products) Procurement Plan Number: G-14 (multi).Procedure: Direct Award (DA)
- Contract: G-14/3 (purchase of textile products) Procurement Plan Number: G-14 (multi).Procedure: Direct Award (DA)
- Contract: G-14/4 (purchase of electrical goods, plumbing, detergents, personal hygiene products) Procurement Plan Number: G-14 (multi).Procedure: Direct Award (DA)
31.05.2022 - Contract award notice: