The equipment for three educational institutions has been purchased at the expense of the German Government

The equipment for three educational institutions has been purchased at the expense of the German Government

The equipment for three educational institutions has been purchased at the expense of the German Government

In September 2024, two kindergartens and a lyceum, located in Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv regions, participating in USIF VI Project, received 79 units of modern equipment for a total amount of over UAH 818,000. The equipment was procured by USIF within the framework of “Promotion of Social Infrastructure Development. USIF VI” Project, being funded by the Government of Germany through KfW.

One kindergarten received the equipment for conducting classes with elements of STEM education: an interactive complex (whiteboard, projector, laptop, etc.), a microscope with accessories and a sand drawing table.

The second one was provided with the devices to equip the resource room, namely: an interactive complex (whiteboard, projector, laptop, etc.), an interactive panel “Starry Sky”, a light and music panel,  a modular flooring (tatami) as well as sand drawing tables and balancers.

The procured interactive, acoustic, and computer equipment for teaching and cultural and entertainment events, including an interactive complex (whiteboard, projector, laptop, etc.), laptops for teachers, multifunctional devices (printer-scanner-copier), portable acoustics, a radio system with handheld microphone, and a mixing console was handed over to the lyceum.

The use of this modern equipment will enrich the lessons. Thanks to it, children will be able to learn new topics in an accessible and interesting way, which will have a positive impact on the development of their imagination and creative thinking.

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15 IPD families have been provided with housing in the town of Kamianske, Dnipropetrovsk region
Wednesday 02 October 2019

A ceremony of solemn opening of the residential facility was held in Kamianske (Dnipropetrovsk region) on the 1st of October. 15 IDP families got keys from their new apartments. At least the same or even larger number of families will be settled there soon.

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Territorial communities of Оdesa and Тernopil regions strengthen self-government bodies’ capacities on social services organization and management
Thursday 19 September 2019

In August - September 2019, representatives of 30 amalgamated territorial communities (ATC) of Odessa and Ternopil regions participated in trainings on social protection units’ staff capacity building and preparation of three-year plans for social services development.

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KfW Manager for Eastern Europe paid a visited to USIF
Tuesday 17 September 2019

KfW Country Manager Eastern Europe Claudia Meseck, accompanied by the director of KfW Bureau in Kyiv Kurt Strasser, on 17.09.2019 paid a visit to USIF Head Office and had a meeting with its management.

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Сompliance of USIF quality management system with international standard ISO 9001: 2015 requirements has been confirmed again
Tuesday 17 September 2019

The certification body -  DQS GmbH has taken a positive decision on the confirmation of the certificate of compliance of the quality management system of Ukrainian Social Investment Fund with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001: 2015. This decision is registered at the DQS database under number 496642 QM15. USIF quality management system covers the sphere of social projects implementation.

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Territorial communities of Оdesa and Тernopil regions evaluate social services needs with support of national and international experts
Wednesday 21 August 2019

Within the Community-Based Social Service Delivery Project, detailed evaluations of social services needs are being conducted in 30 territorial communities of Odesa and Ternopil regions. For the first time these evaluations are being conducted by the communities with use of the new methodology and with support of national and international experts.

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Tuesday 13 August 2019

The last formal document needed for practical implementation of USIF VII Project – Separate Agreement to the relevant Project and Financing Agreement was signed on 12th of August this year.

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The evaluation of social services needs for 30 territorial communities of Odessa and Ternopil regions is launched
Tuesday 13 August 2019

Within the framework of «Community-based Social Service Delivery» Project, the detailed evaluation of social services needs will be provided for 30 amalgamated territorial communities of Odessa and Ternopil regions. To perform these tasks, USIF has signed agreements with the consulting companies, providing services of international and national experts in the sphere of organization and provision of social services.

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Український фонд соціальних інвестицій вітає усіх своїх колег, друзів і партнерів з Днем будівельника!
Friday 09 August 2019

Український фонд соціальних інвестицій вітає усіх своїх колег, друзів і партнерів з Днем будівельника! Щиро зичимо успіхів у професійній діяльності, щастя, здоров’я і добробуту Вам і Вашим родинам! У цей день особливо приємно згадати, що за сприяння УФСІ відремонтовано 1274 об’єкти соціальної інфраструктури по всій Україні. Тож продовжуймо розбудовувати успішну і сучасну Україну разом!

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