15 IPD families have been provided with housing in the town of Kamianske, Dnipropetrovsk region

A ceremony of solemn opening of the residential facility was held in Kamianske (Dnipropetrovsk region) on the 1st of October. 15 IDP families got keys from their new apartments. At least the same or even larger number of families will be settled there soon.
Due to successful implementation by the Ukrainian Social Investment Fund of ‘Promotion of Social Infrastructure Development. USIF V’ Project, funded by the German Government through KfW Development Bank, necessary conditions for accommodation of 100 internally displaced persons in general- 36 separate apartments (27 one-room and 9 two-room apartments) have been arranged in the renovated residential building in Kamianske.
‘To create social housing, a three-storeyed building of the former dormitory of the transport technical college, built in the 1960s, has been restored. For the last 20 years, the building has not been used for its intended purpose,’ - said Andriy Laktionov, Executive Director of the Ukrainian Social Investment Fund. ‘In the framework of abovementioned USIF V Project, we came to settlements and communities that were in real need of investments into the social sphere and social development. Six cities of Dnepropetrovsk region won the competition and became the places of implementation of our Project’.
‘We all see this restored building with new apartments which can accommodate 100 internally displaced persons - this is the result of the Project. But I also see people who hoped for help and we were able to help them - it is a success! I am glad that our government supports and finances projects like this, projects that help people at their most difficult times to get back on their feet,’ - said attending the ceremony Mr. Peter Schmahl, Vice-Consul General of the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Donetsk (office in Dnipro).
In addition to the housing facility for IDPs, school No. 42 (51 Dunaijska Str.) has been renovated in Kamianske. All old wooden windows have been were replaced with new ones, new doors have been installed and school exterior walls have been repaired and insulated. Now, about 370 schoolchildren can study in warm and cozy premises. The cost of repairs amounts to about 5.3 million UAH.
Apart from construction works, integration and adaptation of IDPs in host communities has been promoted. Within three years ‘Decent Labor’, ‘Community social capital development’, ‘Integration of IDPs by joint efforts’ programs have been implemented, energy saving trainings and other activities have been conducted.
In general, in Dnipropetrovsk region within the framework of ‘Promotion of Social Infrastructure Development. USIF V’ Project 11 objects have been restored in towns of Kamianske, Vilnogirsk, Verkhniodniprovsk, Pavlograd, Verkhivtseve and the village of Chumaky, including: 5 housing facilities for IDPs, 4 schools, 1 kindergarten and 1 psychoneurological boarding institution.