KfW Manager for Eastern Europe paid a visited to USIF

KfW Country Manager Eastern Europe Claudia Meseck, accompanied by the director of KfW Bureau in Kyiv Kurt Strasser, on 17.09.2019 paid a visit to USIF Head Office and had a meeting with its management.
The issues of ongoing and perspective cooperation between KfW and USIF were discussed at the meeting. KfW representatives emphasized in particular that the Bank sees USIF as a reliable and predictable partner, appreciates its work and plans to continue active cooperation with the Fund in the future.
German partners also visited Kiev kindergarten №159 and reviewed three group premises renovated by Ukrainian Social Investment Fund in the framework of implementation of Phase 2 of ‘Promotion of Social Infrastructure Development. USIF.V’ Project.
Thus, they had an opportunity to personally observe the proper quality of accomplished renovation and construction works and hear positive feedback on co-operation with USIF from the director of that kindergarten and the representative of the city education department, who cordially thanked KfW and USIF for works financing and provision of expensive, energy efficient equipment.