Rivne city has become a participant of ‘Promotion of social infrastructure development’ Project

On October 21 2022 cooperation between Rivne city council and Ukrainian social investment fund was initiated. Within this cooperation it is planned to arrange a residential facility for IDPs and one of the city medical institutions with grant funds of the German Government.
Today, representatives of Rivne city council and USIF signed the memorandum, allowing to start design and cost estimate documentation (DED) development for the reconstruction of a building in the central part of the city of Rivne to arrange apartments for IDPs. These apartments will have the status of housing for IDPs temporary residence.
DED development and construction works execution will be financed by USIF from the grant funds of the German Government provided through German Development Bank KfW. Generally, it is planned to allocate up to EUR 2.4 million for the construction. Financing of the specified services and execution of works will be made within the framework of ‘Promotion of social infrastructure development’ USIF VI and USIF IX Projects.
Furthermore, one of the medical institutions will be determined for its renovation with grant funds of the German Government soon.