EU allocates EUR 800,000 for infrastructure modernisation of the Novoodesky professional agrarian lyceum in the framework of the EU4Skills programme

On 19 August 2021, the Ukrainian Social Investment Fund, State Educational Institution “Novoodesky professional agrarian lyceum” and the Mykolaiv Regional State Administration signed a memorandum to modernise infrastructure of the education institutions. This cooperation will take place in the framework of the project "EU4Skills: Modernisation of Vocational Education and Training Infrastructure in Ukraine”, which is a component of the large-scale EU programme "EU4Skills: Better Skills for Modern Ukraine". The project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the German State Development Bank KfW.
"The structure of the Programme envisages increasing the effectiveness of vocational education reform, improving the quality, attractiveness of vocational education and increasing its compliance with the needs of the labour market, which will undoubtedly contribute to economic development and self-realisation of young people," said Frederik Coene, Head of Cooperation at the European Union Delegation to Ukraine.
According to the signed memorandum, the Novoodesky professional agrarian lyceum will receive agricultural machinery and equipment valued at EUR 800,000 for training students in the profession of "Mechanic for operation, repair and maintenance of agricultural equipment".
"We are glad to welcome positive changes in the field of professional education in the Mykolaiv region. For our part, we contribute to their multiplication and scaling. Therefore, in addition to the investments that the Novoodesky Vocational Agricultural Lyceum will receive within the framework of the Programme, this year two institutions in the region will receive funds from the state budget of Ukraine for the creation of training and practice centres. We are talking about Pervomaisky Vocational Industrial Lyceum and Marynivsky Vocational Agricultural Lyceum. These two institutions will receive nearly UAH 8.2 million to supply the educational and practical centres with new machinery and equipment,” said Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Ihor Harbaruk.
"According to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine now, the Mykolaiv region is one of 3 areas in which 40% of graduates of schools choose vocational (vocational-technical) education. Therefore, we are proud that Mykolaiv region is one of the seven regions that has the opportunity to implement the “EU4Skills: Best Skills for Modern Ukraine” Programme. After all, the main task for us is to promote the modernisation of the VET system in accordance with the needs of the labour market, international standards and practices ensuring the realisation of citizens' right to a quality and affordable vocational (technical) education," added Vitaliy Kim, head of the Mykolaiv Regional State Administration.
Background information:
The "EU4Skills: Modernisation of Vocational Education and Training Infrastructure in Ukraine" project is part of the "EU4Skills: Better Skills for Modern Ukraine" Programme (Component 3) and aims to update and modernise the equipment and infrastructure of VET schools in Ukraine. The project aims to create a modern VET infrastructure, that contributes to increased attractiveness for students. The project should lay the foundation for effective education, demand-driven education that equips students with skills that the Ukrainian labour market seeks. On behalf of the German State Development Bank KfW, the project is implemented by the Ukrainian Social Investment Fund.
The final selection of VET schools participating in the project was carried out, based on the Ukrainian Social Investment Fund’s technical inspections, level of investment impact on their activities and their current needs.
For additional information, please contact Inna Pavliuk, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..