
‘Modernisation of Vocational Education and Training Infrastructure in Ukraine’ Project (component 3 of ‘EU4Skills’ Program)
Implementation period: 10.10.2019-09.12.2025
Project budget: 19, 4 mln Euro 
The Project Beneficiary: the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
The Project Executing Agency: KfW through the Ukrainian Social Investment Fund (USIF)

The Project objective: creation of a modern vocational education and training infrastructure that increases the attractiveness of vocational education and training among students and creates a basis for effective education, focusing on skills in occupations that are in demand on the Ukrainian labour market.

Territory of implementation: Poltava, Mykolaiv, Vinnytsia, Rivne, Lviv, Chernivtsi regions.

The current Project status

Currently, 13 VET institutions are planned to be modernized under the Project. Modernization of 8 VET involves construction works and the purchase of equipment. 5 VETs will be modernized by supplying equipment.

As part of the modernisation of 8 VET institutions in the cities of Chernivtsi, Vinnytsia, Rivne, Drohobych, Stry, Kremenchuk, project and estimate documentation was developed, and tenders were held for the purchase of construction works. Contracts have been signed for 8 subprojects and construction work has begun. Today, construction works are at various stages of implementation. As part of the modernisation of the vocational training institution in Chernivtsi, sewing equipment for the workshops was purchased. According to the sub-project on the modernization of the Vocational Training Institute in Kremenchuk, machine tools were delivered to the workshops of the institution.

In order to modernize 4 VET institutions in the towns of Zastavna, Reshetylivka, Nova Odesa and Myrhorod, agricultural machinery was purchased and delivered, including harvesters, grain, corn and sunflower harvesters, tractors, pneumatic seed drills, trucks, etc. In order to modernize the vocational training facility in Sarny, construction (including road) machinery was purchased and delivered, namely: backhoe loader, bulldozers, truck crane, grader, excavator.

Previously, in agreement with KfW and the beneficiary, part of the project funds was directed to the implementation of an emergency aid package for IDPs, which provided for the purchase and supply of furniture, electrical goods, textile products, etc. for furnishing the dormitories of some VET institutions.

In connection with the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, measures to modernize 2 VET institutions of the Zaporizhia region have been suspended. Due to the aggression and its consequences, there are some delays in the implementation of the Project measures.

Public consultation of environmental, social, health and safety (ESHS) documents within the Project
USIF invites all stakeholders to express their proposals for the Stakeholder Engagement Plan for EU4Skills Project, which serves as a basis for planning and implementing activities to involve stakeholders during the implementation of subprojects.
Comments and suggestions on the provisions of posted documents should be sent by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
USIF invites stakeholders to express their proposals for an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (including an Environmental and Social Management Plan) within the subprojects:
Modernisation of infrastructure of the State Educational Institution “Melitopol Higher Vocational School” (Zaporizhzhia region)
Modernisation of infrastructure of the State Educational Institution “Zaporizhzhia Polytechnical Centre for Vocational Education” (Zaporizhzhia region)
Modernisation of infrastructure of Chernivtsi Higher Vocational School of Radio Electronics
Modernisation of infrastructure of Vinnytsia Higher Vocational School of Services
Modernisation of infrastructure of Vinnytsia Interregional Higher Vocational School
Modernisation of infrastructure of Higher Vocational School No. 19, Drohobych
Modernisation of infrastructure of Higher Vocational School No. 34, Stryi
Modernisation of infrastructure of Rivne Higher Vocational School of Restaurant Service and Trade
Modernisation of infrastructure of Higher Vocational School No. 7, Kremenchuk
Modernisation of infrastructure of Vocational School No. 44, Myrhorod by purchasing machinery and equipment