‘Improvement conditions for provision of educational services in the school, Melitopol city, Zaporizhzhia region /KfW’ 16-23-30-004 ‘Improvement conditions for provision of educational services in the school, Melitopol city, Zaporizhzhia region /KfW’ 16-23-30-004 ‘Improvement conditions for provision of educational services in the school, Melitopol city, Zaporizhzhia region /KfW’ 16-23-30-004
‘Improvement conditions for provision of educational services in the school, Melitopol city, Zaporizhzhia region /KfW’ 16-23-30-004 ‘Improvement conditions for provision of educational services in the school, Melitopol city, Zaporizhzhia region /KfW’ 16-23-30-004 ‘Improvement conditions for provision of educational services in the school, Melitopol city, Zaporizhzhia region /KfW’ 16-23-30-004
‘Improvement conditions for provision of educational services in the school, Melitopol city, Zaporizhzhia region /KfW’ 16-23-30-004
State: Warranty period
Project measures:
Settlement town of Melitopol
The main typology apartments-for-idp
Address of the object 77 Pushkin street, town of Melitopol
Main works and activities
Заміна вікон – 541 м2, зовнішні та внутрішні укоси
Implementation period 08.07.2020 - 16.10.2020
Percentage of completion of work 100%
Cost of subproject 1 859 769,98 грн. (UAH)
Area m2 -
Contractor type ‘NVK SHIDBUD’ LLC
Number of Beneficiaries 1221
Works stages
Selected for financing
Documentation in the process of development
Selection of contractors
Receipt of documentation
Works in progress
Warranty period
Project is completed